Artistic Biography-Work 2

Artistic Biography-Work 2

Taking your destiny in hand

von Rainer Schnurre |

In the first volume the main focus was learning how to read your biographical experiences, right into detailed. In the second volume we will be directing our attention to the overview, the connections between experiences in particular.

EAN 9783899792683

Hersteller: Möllmann, Ch

12,00 EUR *
Inhalt 1 St.
* inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit 4-8 Werktage

On the one hand guidance will be offered on how to achieve various overviews, and, on the other hand, on how to learn to practice reading the whole biography or longer sections of the biography. If the first volume treated the theme of self-education through of “Impatience and Anger€, in the second volume two further aspects of biographical Work will be treated. One issue deals with the question of negating the happening and how it can be developed to an affirmation, how we can go from a €˜no€™ to a €˜yes€™ – Another main aspect will deal with the effect of sympathy and antipathy. However important it is to a fruitful biography work, to work on your own impatience and resulting annoyance, it appears to be equally as important to reach some clarity concerning the two basic powers of the soul: what, actually are these forces we call sympathy and antipathy? It is often claimed that through expressing sympathy or antipathy we say something about another person. In the majority of cases this is erroneous, which needs a fundamental correction.

Auflage: 1Seiten: 48, Bandnr. Format: