English books
Mit einem Vor- und Nachspiel in einem Heim für seelenpflegebedürftige Kinder unserer Gegenwart, führt das Stück in dramatischer Ballung durch die Ereignisse des chinesisch-englischen Opiumkrieges (...
Vollständige Details anzeigenFrom George Archibald's Life Story and Posthumous Papers
Kindheit und Jugend eines werdenden Dichters bis zur Studentenzeit in Berlin. Ein Weg, der zugleich zur Einweihung ins übersinnliche Dasein führt.
Leadership questions and forms of working in the anthroposophic medical movement
Rudolf Steiner is known around the world as an author, speaker and the creator of anthroposophy, yet few are aware of him as an inaugurator of new ways of working together. As a result, questions o...
Vollständige Details anzeigenSolving the Riddle of the Child
It may be a truism to say that every teacher should make efforts to understand his pupils. Our real understanding, after all, can be a sure foundation and support for children" s whole development;...
Vollständige Details anzeigenAgriculture for the future
The "Agricultural Course" held in 1924 by Rudolf Steiner gave a new impulse for the development of agriculture: a holistic agriculture, which uses a modern approach to work directly with the life p...
Vollständige Details anzeigenGoetheanum Glasswindows
The Goetheanum Glasswindows are designed by Rudolf Steiner and the Russian artist, Assja Turgenieff, brought the design for the second Goetheanum to form and artistic expression. The Glasswindows r...
Vollständige Details anzeigenTHE PHILOSOPHY OF FREEDOM
Are we free, whether we know it or not? Or is our sense of freedom merely an illusion? Rudolf Steiner tackles this age-old problem in a new way. He shows that by taking account of our own activity ...
Vollständige Details anzeigenTheosophy
Steiner turns his philosophically trained scientific mind to the precise phenomenological description of his own supersensible experiences and the supersensible phenomena revealed by them.
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
Rudolf Steiner's fundamental handbook for spiritual and personal development has grown more modern as time has passed, although his methods remain clearly distinguishable from the many others now i...
Vollständige Details anzeigenAn Outline of Esoteric Science
"Esoteric science is the science of what takes place esoterically, in the sense that it is perceived not outside in nature but where one's soul turns when it directs its inner being toward the spir...
Vollständige Details anzeigenPsychotherapy
Die Anthroposophie hat sich als reiche Quelle für die Psychotherapie erwiesen. So hat bereits mancher Psychiater, Berater, Psychologe oder Biographie-Berater bedeutende diagnostische und therapeuti...
Vollständige Details anzeigenAnthroposophy and Science
This book is the first thorough introduction into the scientific basis of anthroposophy and anthroposophical medicine in the context of academic science.
The Dignity of the Young Child
New and successful insights for the care and raising of the child in the first three years of life.
The Waldorf School: An Introduction
What is distinctive about Waldorf or Rudolf Steiner schools? How do their pedagogical aims relate to the wide range of educational provision available today? Many people have heard of these schools...
Vollständige Details anzeigenTeaching – The Joy of Profession
To be a teacher and teaching children and youngsters is still a wonderful profession: it never gets dull or boring. But it is also a professional life under pressure. Complex demands, a high profil...
Vollständige Details anzeigenMathematical physics in space and counterspace
Does the projective principle of duality play a role in physics? In this book, space and counter space are developed in terms of the numbers of Geometric Algebra and applied to modern physics. The ...
Vollständige Details anzeigenAccompanying Songs with the Lyre
This booklet - translated from "Liedbegleitung mit der Leier" - is intended for people who are familiar with the basics of lyre playing and would like to use the lyre as an accompanying instrument ...
Vollständige Details anzeigenMeeting the Lyre
This booklet shows a way to approach and become familiar with the lyre and is meant to support those who have no teacher available.
Through The Week
Die Übersetzung von 'Von Sonntag zu Sonntag' in Englischer Sprache. Das vorliegende Buch von Ruth Elsässer hat seinen Namen bekommen durch den Gang durch die sieben Wochentage.